1. Good communicators really people and take in what is said. A/7/ly thuyet
a. listen
b. explain c. engage d. clarify
2. They maintain eye contract and have a relaxed body language, but they
seldom..............and stop people talking. A/7/ly thuyet a. confuse
b. explain
c. interrupt
d. ramble
3. If they don’t understand and want to...............something they wait for a suitable
opportunity. A/7/ly thuyet a. digress
b. explain
c. engage
d. clarify
4. When speaking, effective communicators are good at giving information. They do not ......................their listener. A/7/ly thuyet
a. ramble
b. Confuse
c. clarify d. explain
5. They make their points clearly. They will avoid technical terms, abbreviations or argon. If they do need to use unfamiliar terminology they.............. .by giving an easy to understand example. A/7/ly thuyet
a. digress b. confuse c. explain d. interrupt
6. Furthermore, although they may ...............and leave the main point to give additional information and details where appropriate, they will not ramble and lose sight of their main message. A/7/ly thuyet
a. digress
b. interrupt
c. explain d. clarify
7. Furthermore, although they may digress and leave the main point to give additional information and details where appropriate, they will not ...........and lose sight of their main message. A/7/ly thuyet
a. interrupt
b. clarify c. engage d. ramble
8. Really effective communicators who have the abillity to ...............with colleagues,
employees, customers and suppliers are a valuable asset for any business. A/7/ly thuyet
a. confuse b. clarify
c. engage
d. interrupt
9. What does not form a word partnership : waste ? A/7/ly thuyet a. time
b. resources
c. information
10. What does not form a word partnership: face ? A/7/ly thuyet
a. trouble
b. problems
c. difficulties
11. What does not form a word partnership: duplicate ? A/7/ly thuyet a. information
b. time
c. work
12. What does not form a word partnership: install ? A/7/ly thuyet a. systems
b. factories
c. equipment
13. What does not form a word partnership: save ? A/7/ly thuyet a. money
b. time
c. experience
14. What does not form a word partnership: develop ? A/7/ly thuyet
. truth
b. loyalty
c. motivation
15. What does not form a word partnership: share ? A/7/ly thuyet
a. support
b. information c. ideas
16. What does not form a word partnership: allocate ? A/7/ly thuyet
a. time
b. ideas
c. resources
17. What does not form a word partnership: interrupt ? A/7/ly thuyet
b. conversations c. meetings
18. Good presenters rarely ramble. They usually try to be as possible.
A/4/Bai Tap a. Inarticulate b. Hesitant
c. Succinct
19. Her arguments were so............that we all agreed to her proposal. A/4/Bai Tap a. fluent
b. extrovert
c. persuasive
20. The audience were very ...............and carried him through his difficult presentation. A/4/Bai Tap
a. responsive
b. eloquent c. coherent
21. She is a very ..............person. She alway keeps her attention fixed on what she wants to achieve. A/4/Bai Tap
a. sensitive b. focused c. fluent
22. He never says what he thinks or shows what he feels. How can anybody be so.................? A/4/Bai Tap
a. rambling
b. fluent
c. reserved
23. Everybody seems so They behave and speak freely, and do not really care what other people think. A/4/Bai Tap
a. incoherent b. articulate
c. uninhibited
24. We know that not all politicians are..............some of them even use an autocue.
A/4/Bai Tap
a. eloquent b. inhibited c. hesitant
25. They sent us very long reply with the detail. But to put it in a ............, that’s it, we’ve won the contract! A/5/Baitap
a. bush
b. nutshell
c. end d. stick
26. I wish my boss would stop beating about the.............and tell me clearly whether or not I stand a chance of being promoted soon. A/5/Baitap
a. bush
b. nutshell c. end
d. stick
27. She expect profit figures and I was going on bout sales figures. Once again, we were just talking at cross................. A/5/Baitap
a. nutshell
b. bush
c. purposes
d. stick
28. Not official yet, but it seems we’re going to relocate. Just heard it on the.................
A/5/Baitap a. grapevine b. stick
c. end
d. nutshell
29. If you think you can give a good presentation just because you know your subject inside out, well, I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong end of the .................... A/5/Baitap
a. nutshell
b. grapevine
c. stick
d. purposes
30. This is a very badly written report. I just can’t make................or................of it.
A/5/Baitap a. head /tial
b. head / tail c. head / teal d. head / teaf
31. Because of tight…………… profits could not be taken out of the
country. A/LYTHUYET/15 a. buying habits
b. monetary regulations
c. economic situation d. politial stability
32. Red tape and other examples of …………….hinder a company’s entry into a
market. A/LYTHUYET/15 a. buying habits
b. government bureaucracy
c. economic situation d. income distribution
33. The country is attractive to exporters because it has enjoyed………….for the last
50 years. A/LYTHUYET/15 a. economic situation
b. buying habits
c. income distribution
d. political stability
34. The purchasing behaviour of consumers can be described as their…………..
A/LYTHUYET/15 a. economic situation b. buying habits
c. income distribution
d. buying habits
35. The…………… improving leading to a rise in employment. A/LYTHUYET/15
a. economic situation
b. buying habits
c. income distribution d. political stability
36. ………………… a term used by economists to describe how wealth is shared
in a country. A/LYTHUYET/15
41. Look at the words and phrases below: Underline the odd one out.
a. slogan
b. free sample c. discount
d. special offer
42. Look at the words and phrases below: Underline the odd one out.
C/LYTHUYET/15 a. retailer
b. distributor
c. wholesaler
d. manufacturer
43. The most important decisions for international marketing are probably those of product ............................and variety reduction. A/BAITAP/08
a. position
b. standardisation
c. target d. design
44. In internetional marketing, it is necessary to meet individual national requirements, in particular where............ goods are concerned. A/BAITAP/08
a. position
b. shopping c. d. consumer
45. In order to secure a ..............advantage, companies will try to make their products
and services stand out from their competitors. A/BAITAP/08 a. behaviour
b. standardisation
c. competitive
d. mission
46. It is extremely important for marketers to understand the buying.......................of existing and potential customers. A/BAITAP/08
a. shopping
b. target
c. behaviour
d. competitive
47. A ........................statement is a short written statement made by an organisation, intended to communicate its aims to customers, employees and shareholders. A/BAITAP/08
a. behaviour
b. competitive c. mix
d. mission
48. A good one which satisfies the needs of the customer and makes a product eye-catch in the marketplace
a. position
b. design
c. mission
d. consumer
49. In most of our cities there are numerous...............malls, which offer the customer free parking and where all the major retail brands can be purchased under one roof. A/BAITAP/08
a. design
b. consumer c. shopping d. target
50. The main elements of the marketing.............are product, price, promotion and
place. A/BAITAP/08 a. target
b. mix
c. position d. shopping
51. Marketers sometimes focus on particular segments of a given overall market. This
process is known as ‘’. A/BAITAP/08 a. mission
b. design c. mix
d. target
1 marketing campaign/budget/leader/strategy
2 market research/survey/check/sector
3 product market/range/features/manager
4 advertising campaign/ exchange/egency/ slogan
5 brand awareness/loyalty/image/contract
6 sales figures/conditions/forecast/ targets
7 price promotion/rise/product/range
52. Sales staff who are impolite to customers ……………….the reputation of a
company. B/LYTHUYET/23 a. disrupt
b. damage c. demage d. dasrupt
53. We are planning to …………branch offices in Singapore. B/LYTHUYET/23 a. promote
b. establish
c. found d. locate
54. Our image has been…………….. by poor after-sales service.
a. fortered
b. undermined
c. promote d. establish
55. Thanks to a new communications system, we are………………..relations with
suppliers. B/LYTHUYET/23 a. souring
b. improving
c. impolite d. gain
56. A strike at our factory ………………… production for several weeks.
B/LYTHUYET/23 a. resumed
b. disrupted
c. venture
d. advertising
57. We could not agree on several points so we ………………..talks regarding a joint
venture. B/LYTHUYET/23
a. broke off
b. cut off
c. campaign d. gain
58. The success of our new product launch was……………………by an
unimaginative advertising campaign. B/LYTHUYET/23 a. resumed
b. jeopardised
c. regarding d. merging
59. In order to gain market share in China, we are ……………….. a sales network
there. B/LYTHUYET/23 a. founding
b. building up
c. cutting off
d. getting down
60. Relations between the two countries have been………………by official visits and
trade delegations. B/LYTHUYET/23 a. endangered
b. fostered
c. network
d. campaign
61. Relations between them are rather……… They don’t seem to like or trust each other. B/BAITAP/12
a. amicable
b. cordial
c. strained
62. Their continual interventions……………. The whole meeting. B/BAITAP/12
a. corrupted b. broke off c. disrupted
63. Their working relationship was often…………, with lots of angry argument and
criticism. B/BAITAP/12
a. stormy
b. cool c. close
64. They may be our competitors, but we want to stay………. good terms with them.
B/BAITAP/12 a. in
b. on
c. over
65. If you want to do business with someone, first you should try to………….a
rapport. B/BAITAP/12 a. improve
b. establish
c. promote
66. Is always making money and increasing it…………………. (D/LYTHUYET/30) A. customer B.brand C.profit D.headquarters
67. Is often the market……………… (D/LYTHUYET/30)
A.leader B.customer C.brand D.profit
68. Is moving forward and interested in……………….. (D/LYTHUYET/30) A.Wordforce B.subsidiaries C.people D.innovation
69. Has a motivated……………… (D/LYTHUYET/30)
A.workforce B.subsidiaries C.people D.innovation
70. Has a loyal …………………. base. (D/LYTHUYET/30)
A.customer B.brand C.profit D.headquarters
71. Has a world-famous …………….and an instantly recognised logo.
A.customer B.brand C.profit D.headquarters
72. Issues ……………..which are worth millions on the stock market. (D/LYTHUYET/30)
A.subsidiaries B.people C.innovation D.share
73. Has its …………………. in a prestigious location. (D/LYTHUYET/30) A.customer B.brand C.profit D.headquarters
74. Has branches and ……………all over the world. (D/LYTHUYET/30)
A.subsidiaries B.people C.innovation D.share
75. Treats its employees well and is ………………..orientated. (D/LYTHUYET/30) A.subsidiaries B.people C.innovation D.share
76. Several sales staff ………………..last year and didn’t meet their targets.
a. underperformed
b. co-authors c. re-launch
d. over-estimated
77. Smith and Turner were the two ……………. of the report. (C/LYTHUYET/34)
a. underperformed
b. co-authors
c. re-launch
d. over-estimated
78. We will ………….. our product as soon as we have finished the modification. (C/LYTHUYET/34)
a. re-launch
b. mis-managed
c. over-estimated d. underperformed
79. We ……………….. the number of people who would buy our product in Asia.
a. re-launch
b. mis-managed
c. over-estimated
d. underperformed
80. Because the company has been mis-managed for years we are close to bankkruptcy. (C/LYTHUYET/34)
a. re-launch
b. mis-managed
c. mis-managed
d. underperformed
81. They had to out-bid their rivals to take over the company. (C/LYTHUYET/34)
a. mis-managed b. mis-managed
c. underperformed
d. out-bid
82. Our ………….. factory has state-of-the-art machinery. (C/LYTHUYET/34)
a. ultra-modern
b. out-bid c. ex-boss
d. de-nationalised
83. My …………….. was impossible to work with so I left the company. (C/LYTHUYET/34)
a. ultra-modern
b. out-bid
c. ex-boss
d. de-nationalised
84. Many state companies in Eastern Europe are being
a. ultra-modern b. out-bid
c. ex-boss
d. de-nationalised
85. In the late 1990s, many countries witnessed a sharp economic …………….. turn. (A/BAITAP/16)
a. excellent
b. down
c. performed
d. ultra -efficient
86. The profit figures are excellent. Once again, we’ve ……………..all our rivals. (A/BAITAP/16)
a. out performed
b. mis-managed c. mis-managed
d. underperformed
87. We design and manufacture …………….air conditioners for industrial use.
a. out performed b. mis-managed c. mis-managed
d. ultra –efficient
88. The ………….. of PG Steel Corporation is suing for $1.5 million he says the company owes him as a retirement payment. (A/BAITAP/16)
a. ex-president b. mis-managed c. mis-managed
d. ultra –efficient
89. Whether or not to…………… health care is a divisive issue. (A/BAITAP/16)
a. mis-managed b. mis-managed
c. ultra –efficient
d. deregulate
90. Staff who never get any praise for their achievements may end up
……………….their own abilities. (A/BAITAP/16)
a. mis-managed b. ultra –efficient c. underating
d. deregulate
91. When two of our …………….disappeared, all the boss had to say was that they’d
left to pursue other opportunities. (A/BAITAP/16)
a. ultra –efficient b. underating
c. deregulate
d. co-workers
92. China’s largest car manufacturer, the FAW Group, is thinking of ……………its
headquarters from Changchun to Beijing. (A/BAITAP/16)
a. relocating
b. ultra –efficient c. underating
d. deregulate
93. Of course I can see now that Brian is an asset to our company, and I’m sorry I so
badly …………….him when started working for us. (A/BAITAP/16)
a. mixjudged
b. ultra –efficient c. underating
d. deregulate
94. Last year we ……………….. our budget by 21%, so unfortunately our budget this year has been reduced accordingly.
a. outnumber
b. upgraded
c. underspent
d. downsize
95. In our department, men ………….. women by two to one.
a. outnumber
b. upgraded
c. underspent d. downsize
96. Why don’t you have your PC ……………… if it’s so slow?
a. outnumber
b. upgraded c. underspent d. downsize
97. We’ll cut our expenses and ……………..our operations in order to become more competitive on the market.
a. outnumber
b. upgraded
c. underspent
d. downsize
98. Salespeople often …………… computer software, so consumers end up with
things they don’t really need. a. underselling
b. oversell
c. downsize
d. outnumber
99. We are looking for ways of underselling our rivals. No one will be cheaper than us.
a. underselling
b. oversell
c. downsize
d. outnumber
100. She’s so bright-a real ……………….. I’m sure she’ll be promoted again soon.
a. High flyer b. slave driver c. fly-by-night
101. After some teething troubles, they now have a……..…..…business with a huge
turnover. a. thriving b. smooth
c. fruiful
102. Since she’s been appointed General Manager, the business has really……..…..…
a. promoted
b. proliferated c. prospered
103. Our new product filled a gap in the market and……..…..…as soon as it was
a. overflowed
b. put up
c. took off
104. InterMedia……..…..…Erling last year to become the largest media group in the
a. overtook
b. overran
c. overdrew
105. ‘Yes, invest in InterMedia. It’s definitely a company that is……..…..…’
a. making up
b. going places
c. without a hitch
106. Most people alike to have control over their work and therefore put
……………..near the top of their list of motivating factors. (B/LYTHUYET/39)
a. perks
b. autonomy
c. bureaucracy d. pay
107. Dealing with …………… a very time-consuming, demotivating problem
which affects large businesses and organisations. (B/LYTHUYET/39)
a. perks
b. autonomy
c. bureaucracy
d. appraisal
108. Overwork can lead to ………………..if not spotted early. (B/LYTHUYET/39)
a. perks
b. burnout c. autonomy d. appraisal
109. Many job satisfaction studies, perhaps surprisingly, have found that often
………… not the most motivating factor. (B/LYTHUYET/39)
a. perks
b. autonomy
c. bureaucracy
d. pay
110. Offering ……………..rather than a salary increase can be a way of retaining
employees in traditionally high staff turnover industries. (B/LYTHUYET/39)
a. burnout
b. autonomy
c. perks
d. pay
111. He received a very generous…………….when he left the company.
a. autonomy b. burnout
c. perks
d. golden handshake
112. One way for managers to monitor and develop staff and loyalty is by using
…………..interviews. (B/LYTHUYET/39)
a. appraisal
b. burnout c. perks
d. golden handshake
1 satisfy
a) The survey showed that staff working flexible hours were more
……………….with their jobs than those working fixed hours.
b) Low pay and poor working conditions create ………………..workers.
c) Small European companies are top of job …………league tables.
2 motivate
a) What are the strongest…………….factors in people’s lives?
b) Workers become…………………if they work long hours for low pay.
c) What was your ………………..for becoming a salesperson?
3 frustrate
a) You could see the ………………building up in the workforce.
b) I find talking to him ……………because he never listens.
c) I felt so …………….with their attitude that I decided to resign.
1. a) satisfied b) dissatisfied c) satisfaction
2. a) motivating b) demotivated c) motivation
3. a) frustration b) frustrating c) frustrated
113. If you ...............about your employees’ health and safely, make sure all relevant regulations are respected. (A/BAITAP/24)
a. gain b. care
c. minimise
d. dicey
114. No risk, no .......................... (A/BAITAP/24)
a. gain
b. dicey
c. precarious d. negligible
115. If activity or action is..............., it is dangerous or likely to fail. (A/BAITAP/24)
a. risky
b. huge
c. negligible d. precarious
116. They say there are................risks involved in investing in such a politically unstable region. (A/BAITAP/24)
a. huge
b. dicey
c. negligible d. minimise
117. If a risk is...............,it is so small it is not worth worrying about. (A/BAITAP/24)
a. negligible b. precarious c. minimise d. jeopardy
118. If a comany’s situation is................., there is a risk that it will go out of business.
a. negligible b. dicey
c. precarious
d. minimise
119. An informal word which means the same as risky. (A/BAITAP/24)
a. huge
b. precarious c. minimise d. dicey
120. If you....................a risk, you reduce it to the lowest possible level. (A/BAITAP/24)
a. minimise b. precarious c. huge
d. dicey
121. The company was in such a .........position that nobody wanted to lend it money. (B/BAITAP/24)
a. jeopardy b. gamble
c. precarious
d. dicey
122. ‘An art gallery ?’ That’s a at the best of times wouldn’t you say?’ (B/BAITAP/24)
a. dicey
b. huge
c. gamble
d. negligible
123. She isn’t very keen to start a new business as the risks involved are................ (B/BAITAP/24)
a. gamble
b. dicey c. huge
d. negligible
124. Many people say that playing the stock market for quick profit is a .................. (B/BAITAP/24)
a. care
b. gain
c. jeopardy d. gamble
125. Negotiations have broken down, and the future of the merger is now in..............
a. jeopardy b. negligible c. dicey
d. gamble
126. The government isn’t worried. It thinks the economic blockade will have a
.................effect. (B/BAITAP/24)
a. dicey
b. negligible
c. gamble
d. minimise
127. As can see from the graph, it has been a .................disappointing year for Kanko overall. However, the first quarter was............good, as sales of our new soft drink N-Ergy rose ......................
a. slightly/fully/steadily
b. slightly/steadily/fully
c. rather/exceptionally/dramatically
d. rather/dramatically/exceptionally
128. Unfortunately, owing to unexpected production problems, sales fell...........throughout the second quarter. They then rose............until the end of July.
a. sharply/steadily b. steadily/sharply c. sharply/slightly
129. The rest of the summer was............less successful, and sales did not pick up again until the first half of September. We were then.............. confident that we had the situation under control, but sales just levelled off throughout the next two months.
a. slightly/fairly
b. badly/rather
c. rather/slightly d. fairly
130. Subsequent problems at our Norwich subsidiary, howerver, meant that sales began to drop...............,and there are no signs of a possible recovery at present. It appears that we had....................misjudged the seriousness of the situation at Norwich and that we were not............prepared to handle such a crisis
a. dramtically/slightly/fully b. dramtically/slightly/fairly c. gradually/badly/fully
d. gradually/badly/fairly
131. We need excutives who can manage stragic risks properly........... to being able to take decisive action whenever necessary.
b. in addition
c. as well as
d. furthermore
132. There are still very few investment opportunities in the region.............,a political crisis is looming.
a. besides
b. in addition c. moreover
d. furthermore
133. In order to increase our market share, we are considering a cut in our profit reduction in all our prices.
a. In addition
b. moreover c. besides
d. as well as
134. It is clear that the risk of civil war has decreased..........,the government appears to have the situation firmly under control.
a. moreover b. in addition c. besides
d. as well as
135. In creased competition is threat to the survival of our company.............,we need to protect ourselves against negative changes in customer demand.
a. In addition
b. Furthermore
c. Moreover d. Besides
136. What we need to do is always get up-to-date information about the risks we
face.............maintain good channels of communication between the key players in our company.
a. besides
b. moreover c. in addition d. as well as
137. ................organised crime and corruption, terrorism is also a grave cause of
concern among excecutives.
b. furthermore c. as well as
d. moreover
138. The company is losing direction. .................,its core products are losing appeal. a. furthermore
b. moreover
c. as well as d. besides
139. Sophisticated fraud...............corruption and organised crime is seen as the driving
factors behind the increase in risks. a. furthermore
b. moreover c. as well as d. besides
140. Their financial situation is precarious. .........., there has been recent bad press
about poor working conditions in their overseas factories. a. furthermore
b. moreover c. as well as d. besides
141. There are financial risks legal and operational ones. a. moreover
b. as well as c. besides
d. in addition
142. of attendants had spilt some oil and was about to clean up, but too late...
a. At least
b. on least
c. apparently
d. And then
143. A broken elbow, as well as a minor head injury.................that’s what Mary
Dawson diagnosed. She called an ambulance straight away.
a. at least
b. on least
c. apparently
d. and then
144. Absolutely..................... We must make sure restaurant users are properly warned of wet or greasy surfaces
a. At least
b. on least
c. apparently
d. And then
Has your company started doing business on the ……….……(1)?
Have you spent thousands on a website, more money to register it with all the
major……………(2), but you’re still getting little or no……………….(3)?
If the anwser is ‘yes’, then you need Topsite.
The Topsite service places your……………….(4)at the very top of the major search engine listings. So when people do a………………(5)for a ………………(6)associaticed with your business or product, your site automatically receives many more……………….(7) What’s more. Topsite delivers targeted visitors. These are not
……………….(8)who’ve already visited 35 ………………(9)shopping site, but people
who’ve actually done a search for your business.
Remember, we guarantee to achieve top rankings for your company on the most highly travelly search engines, portals, and ……………..(10) So when your potential customers………….(11) the Internet, we make sure they can ………………(12)your
website. B/LYTHUYET/55
2. search engines 8. surfers
5. search 11. browse
Has your company started doing business on the net ?
Have you spent thousands on a website, more money to register it with all the major
search engines, but you’re still getting little or no traffic ?
If the anwser is ‘yes’, then you need Topsite.
The Topsite service places your site at the very top of the major search engine listings. So when people do a search for a key word associaticed with your business or product, your site automatically receives many more hits What’s more. Topsite delivers targeted visitors. These are not surfers who’ve already visited online shopping site, but people who’ve actually done a search for your business.
Remember, we guarantee to achieve top rankings for your company on the most highly travelly search engines, portals, and directories So when your potential customers browse the Internet, we make sure they can Locate your website.
Browse: to look through a series of web pages, perhaps those of a particular site, or ones found by a search engine relating to a particular topic.
Directories: lists of sites of similar organisations, or of sites with information on relative
Hits: the number of visits that a particular site receives or the site found by a search engine that contain the key word you entered.
Key word: a word that you enter into a search engine in order to find sites with web
pages that contain this word.
Locate: find information, a site, etc. that you’re looking for.
Net: another word for Internet.
Online: used as an adjective or adverb to talk about activities related to the Internet. Search: to look for particular information or a particular site, or the act of looking for it. Search engines: sites like Google, Yahoo, AltaVista, etc. that allow you to find other sites with the information you are looking for by entering keywords or expressions.
Site: a series of related screens with information about a subject, organisation, etc.
Surfers: people who go and look at different sites, perhaps in a random way with no particular purpose in mind.
Traffic: the number of people looking at a site in a particular period.
145. Unless you collect the goods from the retail store, there is an
additional……………….. F/LYTHUYET/57
a. delivery charge
b. auction houses c. shopping mall d. online retailing
146. Sotheby’s and Christie’s are probably the most famous ………………. in the
world. Their sales of antiques and paintings are legendary. F/LYTHUYET/57 a. designer labels
b. delivery
c. auction houses
d. online retailing
147. In the US many people spend the whole day at their local…………………because it is easy to park and can buy everything there. F/LYTHUYET/57
a. designer labels
b. shopping mall
c. auction houses d. delivery charge
148. Some traditional businesses have found that they can make a lot of money from…………….. with a small investment in an easy-to-use website. F/LYTHUYET/57
a. online retailing
b. shopping mall c. auction houses
d. supermarket chains
149. These days many……. …………. sell not only food, but also services such as insurance and banking. F/LYTHUYET/57
a. Delivery charge
b. Auction houses c. Shopping mall
d. Supermarket chains
150. Goods with …………………… command premium prices in the shops.
F/LYTHUYET/57 a. Supermarket chains b. Designer labels
c. Distribution centre
d. Mail-order catalogue
151. Many people alike the convenience of ordering goods from home using a
………………. F/LYTHUYET/57 a. Supermarket chains
b. Designer labels
c. Distribution centre
d. Mail-order catalogue
In its first annual report, published today, the Interactive Media Retail Group said it
expected 4m more Britons to shop……………(1) this year, taking the total shoppers to
24m, more than half the UK’s adult population.
The latest figures underline the sharp……………..(2) of internet shopping in the decade since the launch of Netscape Navigator, the first widely available internet…………… (3) in 1994. While internet shopping……………….(4) for just £300m of retail sales in
1999,by 2004 consumers were spending £14.5bn online, according to IMRG.
‘For a sector to have grown from scratch in 10 years with very little investment suggests that the internet’s time has come,’ said James Roper, IMRG chief executive.
‘Internet shopping is easier, more convenient and offers bigger…………….(5) And a lot of the major retailers are having to get to grips with it because consumers are dragging them into the space.
The larger retailing groups- Argos, Dixons, Tesco and Boots –are ………….(6) money
on developing their internet offering, but many retail chains are not investing in online
shopping, which in turn is allowing new entrants to gain a…………..(7) in the market.
But in spite of the neglect from retail chains, the growing popularity of online shopping
looks set to continue as more people gain…………….(8) to the internet.
………………….(9) out last year showed that more than 56 percent of homes had internet access, with a third of those having a broadband……………(10) The…………….(11) of mobile commerce technology could also mean that people will be able to shop online from their mobile phones. A/BAITAP/28
1. Online
2. Growth
3. Browser
4. Accounted
5. Ranges
6. Spending
7. Foothold
8. Access
9. Figures
10. Connection
11. Emergence
152. is a very successful site which gets over 2,000……………..per day.
B/BAITAP/29 a. site
b. hits
c. spam d. work
153. An even more popular ………… is, with almost 20.000 visitors a
week. B/BAITAP/29 a. Hits
b. Work
c. Site
d. Fail
154. The equivalent of paper junk mail is called…………….. B/BAITAP/29
a. Hits b. Site
c. Spam
d. Work
155. The Internet still means fun to a lot of people, but on the other hand it often
means hard……………….to business people. B/BAITAP/29 a. Hits
b. Site
c. Spam
d. Work
156. B u sin esses w h ich ………….. to seize th e opp ortu n it ies off ere d b y e -commerce might not be able to survice.
a. Online
b. Fail c. Hits d. Site
157. O rder in g ………… …dram atica lly reduces the cost of a transaction.
Đ ặt hàng trự c tuyến làm giảm đ án g kể chi phí củ a một giao dịch. a. fail
b. online
c. hits d. site
158. T h e regist ered t it le u sed b y an In tern et s ite is its…………….n am e.
T iêu đ ề đ ăn g ký đ ư ợ c sử dụ ng bở i một trang web Internet là tên miền củ a nó. a. fail
b. domain c. encode d. surf
159. If you want your website to get a lot of …………….make sure you register it
with all the major search engines. B/BAITAP/29 a. download
b. traffic
c. surf
d. encode
160. If you save information from Internet into one of your computer files, we say that
you …………….the information. B/BAITAP/29 a. encode
b. download
c. search d. fail
161. e-commerce means buyers with computers can how……………a global network
of approved suppliers linked over the Net. B/BAITAP/29 a. Download
b. Traffic
c. search
d. surf
162. Many e-mail programmes……………..files before sending them in order to
make transmission easier and quicker. B/BAITAP/29
a. encode
b. traffic c. search d. surf
163. A……………..engine is a program that seeks out, visits and indexes websites.
B/BAITAP/29 a. traffic
b. search c. surf
d. search
164. Our company went through a difficult period a few years ago. Bad decisions were taken which caused us to lose a lot of money. Because the company had been................., the chief executive had to resign. B/LY THUYET/69
a. mismanaged
b. past-merger
c. Pro European d. ex-boss
165. Last year, we merged with a much larger company. During the ................. period
our future strategy was discussed. It was decided that we could consider becoming a more global organisation with a strong presence in Europe. B/LY THUYET/69
a. hypercritical
b. reconsider
c. past-merger
d. ex-boss
166. Most of us were................, we liked the idea of expanding into Europe. B/LY THUYET/69
a. reconsider
b. mismanaged
c. pro European
d. ex-boss
167. Indeed our......................had been strongly in favour of doing this. However the two new board members were strongly against the idea but never said so openly. B/LY THUYET/69
Thật vậy ...................... của chúng tôi đã mạnh mẽ ủng hộ để làm điều này. Tuy nhiên, hai thành viên hội đồng quản trị mới mạnh mẽ chống lại ý tưởng nhưng không bao giờ nói như vậy một cách công khai
a. past-merger
b. reconsider
c. ex-boss
d. dishonest
168. I think this was very.................... Instead, they behaved in an irresponsible manner during meetings. B/LY THUYET/69
a. reconsider
b. dishonest
c. irresponsible d. hypercritical
169. I think this was very dishonest. Instead, they behaved in an .................manner during meetings. B/LY THUYET/69
a. irresponsible
b. reconsider c. ex-boss
d. post-merger
170. For example, they would be.................., raising stupid objections if someone came up with a good idea. B/LY THUYET/69
a. Pro European b. hypercritical c. reconsider
d. past-merger
171. Because the meetings were so unproductive, the Board of Directors got cold feet and asked us to......................the dicision to expand into Europe. B/LY THUYET/69
a. dishonest
b. hypercritical
c. reconsider
d. past-merger
172. In each line, cross out the word which does not begin with a prefix: B/BAITAP/32
a. discontinue
b. disincentive
c. distinguished
173. In each line, cross out the word which does not begin with a prefix: B/BAITAP/32
a. miserable
b. mismanagement c. misinform
174. In each line, cross out the word which does not begin with a prefix:
a. billboard b. bimonthly c. bilingual
175. In each line, cross out the word which does not begin with a prefix: B/BAITAP/32
a. reconnect
b. renowned
c. realign
176. In each line, cross out the word which does not begin with a prefix: B/BAITAP/32
a. predict
b. premium
c. prepaid
177. In each line, cross out the word which does not begin with a prefix: B/BAITAP/32
a. irrational
b. irreversible
c. irritable
178. Export ................that there will be a marked shirt from financial and techological capital to human capital. C/BAITAP/32
179. mismanagement
a. predit
b. disincentive c. realign
180. Executives who fail to meet the aspirations of their employees can be accused of
.................... C/BAITAP/32 a. realign
b. mismanagement
c. irreversible d. bimonthly
181. The new measures restrict employees’ autonomy and will undoubtedly act as
a.................. C/BAITAP/32 a. realign
b. mismanagement
c. disincentive
d. bimonthly
182. The move towards the creation of a shared vision is..................and lies at the heart of a people-centred strategy. C/BAITAP/32
a. bimonthly
b. mismanagement c. disincentive
d. irreversible
183. There will be some drastic changes in the way our company is organised. For example, we’re going to..................... all our marketing and sales activities. C/BAITAP/32
a. predict
b. disincentive c. bimonthly
d. realign
184. Our project manager wants us to submit a detailed progress report. I don’t really
understand why we have to write reports so frequently. C/BAITAP/32
a. bimonthly
b. realign
c. disincentive
d. mismanagement
185. Our next People Skills seminar will be held in Martonfa, far from the.................. of Budapest city centre. E/BAITAP/33
a. hustle and bustle
b. reles and regulations c. peace and quiet
d. trial and error
186. The participants will enjoy the.................... of the countryside after a hectic week. E/BAITAP/33
a. peace and quiet
b. rules and regulation c. trial and error
d. supply and demand
187. This new economic theory proposes that the laws of................... are obsolete.
a. rules and regulations b. supply and demand c. stocks and shares
d. trial and error
188. Some of the best teams are built after a painful process of ......................... a. Peace and quiet
b. Rules and regulations
c. Trial and error
d. Supply and demand
189. More and more people invest their savings in .................................. a. trial and error
b. peace and quiet
c. stocks and shares
d. hustle anf bustle
190. The fact that he introduced so many..................upon his appointment did not make him very popular with staff. E/BAITAP/33
a. supply and demand b. trial and error
c. peace and quiet
d. rules and regulations
191. You really can sell anything on these Internet auction sites. It’s money for old
a. trees b. fool c. rope
d. licience
192. We’re way over budget on this. We’ll have to make some cutbacks. Someone needs to tell the marketing department that money doesn’t grow on
a. fool b. rope c. trees
d. licience
193. Every great industrialist will tell you that where there’s ………….there’s money.
a. much
b. fool c. rope d. trees
194. Charging people to park their cars at airports is a ……… print money.
a. fool b. rope c. trees
d. licience
195. He’s always investing in businesses which have no hope of being successful. I don’t know much about business angels but it seems to me that a …………..and his money are soon parted. (A/LYTHUYET/77)
a. fool b. rope c. trees
d. licience
196. Their new headquarters cost millions and millions. They are making so much
profit that money is no…………… (A/LYTHUYET/77)
a. object
b. rope c. trees
d. licience
197. The group’s ………………….of twelve stores in Bordeaux was successful.
Mua lại 12 cửa hàng ở Bordeaux của nhóm đã thành công.
a. acquisition
b. property c. overdraft
198. They are financing the acquisition through …………..rather than debt.
Họ đang tài trợ việc mua lại thông qua vốn chủ sở hữu chứ không phải là nợ.
a. cash flow
b. equity
c. assets
199. Our state-of-the art machinery is our major…………. . (A/LYTHUYET/78)
a. possession
b. asset
c. equity
200. The ………………… rate on the loan was 12%.(A/LYTHUYET/78)
a. fee
b. charge
c. interest
201. They could not pay their debts and faced ……………..(A/LYTHUYET/78)
a. bankruptcy
b. warranty
c. overpayment
202. Sorbat has gone into ……………..with debts of about £20 million.
Sorbat đã đi vào quản lý tài chính với các khoản nợ khoản 20 triệu bảng Anh.
a. indemnity b. investment
c. administration
203. Lending a business a sum of money equal to that owed to the business by its suppliers or customers
a. venture capital b. grant
c. invoice discounting
d. hire purchase
204. Buying expensive goods by making regular payments over a period of time
Mua hàng hóa đắt tiền bằng cách trả thường xuyên qua một thời gian .
a. venture capital b. grant
c. invoice discounting
d. hire purchase (mua trả góp)
205. Money lent to start a new business.
a. venture capital
b. grant
c. invoice discounting d. hire purchase
206. Allowing customers to take out more money from their bank than they had in it.
Cho phép những khách hàng lấy tiền hơn số tiền họ có trong ngân hàng.
a. leasing b. loan
c. grant
d. overdraft
207. Money borrowed on which interest is paid. a. leasing
b. loan
c. grant
d. overdraft
208. Giving someone the right to use something for a period of time in return for payment.
a. Leasing (thuê)
b. loan c. grant
d. overdraft
209. Money given to an organisation for a particular purpose, often by a government. a. leasing
b. loan
c. grant (cấp, cho)
d. overdraft
The term ‘microcredit’ is used to describe the extension of small loans to entrepreneurs
too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans. It is often associated with the work of
Professor Muhammad Yunus, who has ……………(1) many Innovative programmes for the rural poor, several of which have been ………….(2) by the Bangladeshi government. Although definitions of microcredit ……………(3) from country to country, there are a number of common essential characteristics. First of all, loans are very small In size, and the target users are always very smaLl entrepreneurs and low - ‘ households. Secondly, funds are used for income …………(5), enterprise development or community use. Finally, most ………….(6) and conditions for
microcredit loans are …………….(7), easy to understand and suited to the local
conditions of the community.
Microcredit has proved an effective and popular measure in the ongoing struggle against
poverty, enabling those without ………….(8) to lending institutions to borrow at bank
………….(9) and start small businesses.
1 b) pioneered
2 a) adopted
3 a) differ
4 d) income
5 c) generation
6 c) terms
7 a) flexible
8 b) access
9 d) rates
210. She was very helpful. She promised to………………..and find asolution.
211. He’s the person responsible. He shouldn’t try to ……………. And blame others
for his mistakes. (C/LYTHUYET/86)
212. Several customers have complained about our service contract. They say they’re paying far too much and feel they have been………………(C/LYTHUYET/86)
213. I meant to send him a brochure but we were very busy and it
214. They wanted to place a larger order. I thought they wanted a bigger discount. We
215. They ignored my complaints, but ………………when they refused to refund my
money. (C/LYTHUYET/86)
216. I saw no point in arguing with him. I…………… and said I wanted my money
back. (C/LYTHUYET/86)
Customer service
The way a company approaches customer service is one of the most important factors in determining its future success or failure.
No matter what a company does, it is always in the business of …………(1) customer
service. If you take a look at companies that are not doing well or have gone
………….(2), one of their common features is their inability to deliver reliable and efficient customer service. All successful companies, on the other hand, understand and deliver what their customers want and strongly believe ¡n the value of customer service training for management and …………… (3)employees.
Companies which fail to view customer service training as an …………..(4) are likely to remain in business only if they manage to keep a large number of first -time customers. Moreover, they will probably end up losing market……………(5) and experiencing a
……………(6) in profits unless they keep introducing new products and spending
massively ……………..(7) advertising.
Successful companies, however, are the ones which have grasped that in today’s extremely competitive marketplace, being good is just not good enough anymore. Customers have become much more …………..(8) and expect nothing less than…………..(9) in customer service.
One of the keys to success is for a company to develop efficient means of communication between management and employees. This invariably has a direct positive effect on the customer. As a matter of fact, a company which ¡s good to work for is usually one which is good to …………….(10) business with.
1 a) providing b) giving c) selling d) caring
2 a) away b) over c) underd) across
3 a) shopfloor b) foreground c) front-line d) workshop
4 a) earning b) expenditure c) interest d) investment
5 a) share b) demand c) niche d) place
6 a) rise b) drop c) level d) plateau
7 a) in b) for c) over d) on
8 a) awkward b) requested c) complex d) demanding
9 a) excellence b) goodness c) quality d) expertise
10 a) deal b) do c) make d) work
217. I intended to tell the manager a lot of customers had complained, but she was in a
hurry and I completely forgot………………….. (B/BAITAP/40)
a. to get to the bottom of the problem
b. to get straight to the point
c. it slipped my mind
d. to pass the puck
218. If you are dissatisfied with their service, don’t hesitate, talk a bout it directly and
tell them what sort of compensation you expect. (B/BAITAP/40)
a. get straight to the point
b. pass the buck
c. ripping people off
d. get to the bottom of the problem
219. When we are sure we are to blame for a problem, our poLicy is never to avoid
responsibility……………………. (B/BAITAP/40)
a. get straight to the point
b. pass the buck
c. ripping people off
d. get to the bottom of the problem
220. Avoid the Regency Hotel. They have a reputation for charging far too
much………………… (B/BAITAP/40)
a. get straight to the point b. pass the buck
c. ripping people off
d. get to the bottom of the problem
221. It is not enough just to compensate customers when their complaints are justified.
We have to find the real cause of the problem to make sure it doesn’t happen again………………….. (B/BAITAP/40)
a. get straight to the point b. pass the buck
c. ripping people off
d. get to the bottom of the problem
222. Not only did they refuse to admit that the video I had bought wasn’t working
properly, but they also refused to give me a replacement. That was the last in a
223. I wanted a refund and they kept offering me a replacement. We were obviously
misunderstanding each other………………….. (B/BAITAP/40)
a. ripping people off
b. get to the bottom of the problem c. the last straw
d. talking at cross purposes
224. Fire is the most common of all hazards. Every year, in many countries around the world, fires cause thousands of deaths and …………….. as well as extensive property damage. If you are a manager and have a sense of responsibility, here are a few things you should do. A/44/BAI TAP
a. wounds b. injuries c. accidents d. fatalities
225. First of all, have your premises………….. for fire hazards, and ask about fire rules and regulations.You should also ask your insurance company to recommend fire prevention and protection measures. A/44/BAI TAP
a. controlled
b. renovated c. inspected d. adapted
226. First of all, have your premises inspected for fire hazards, and ask about fire rules
and…………….You should also ask your insurance company to recommend fire prevention and protection measures. A/44/BAI TAP
a. laws
b. regulations
c. codes d. signals
227. First of all, have your premises inspected for fire hazards, and ask about fire rules
and regulations .You should also ask your insurance company to recommend fire
prevention and protection ……………………. A/44/BAI TAP
a. steps
b. engines
c. machinery
d. measures
228. Secondly, make sure employees are given proper fire safety information.This should focus on how to………………. prevent fires in the workplace, how to a fire, how to evacuate the building and where to report a fire. A/44/BAI TAP
a. contain b. destroy c. take out d. hold on
229. Secondly, make sure employees are given proper fire safety information.This
should focus on how to contain prevent fires in the workplace, how to a fire, how
to ……………..the building and where to report a fire. A/44/BAI TAP
a. free
b. avoid
c. evacuate
d. depart
230. Secondly, make sure employees are given proper fire safety information.This should focus on how to contain prevent fires in the workplace, how to a fire, how to evacuate the building and where to ………………… a fire. A/44/BAI TAP
a. announce
b. report
c. tell
d. describe
231. You should also instruct staff to use the stairs, not lifts, in a fire. Instruct them to
……………on their hands and knees when escaping a hot or smoke-filled area. A/44/BAI TAP
a. crawl b. crouch c. creep
d. cringe
232. Finally, conduct regular evacuation drills, and post maps of
evacuation………………in prominent places. A/44/BAI TAP
a. paths b. roads c. ways
d. routes
233. Place fire extinguishers in appropriate locations, install smoke detectors, and if possible install a fire alarm with automatic notification to the fire brigade, It is also
of vital importance to ensure that key personnel are ……………….. with all fire
safety systems. A/44/BAI TAP
a. informed
b. knowledgeable
c. familiar
d. instructed
234. Airport and airline safety managers are usually aware of the advantages of having well prepared emergency …………….. to minimise both the social and financial effects of an accident should one ever occur. B/44/ BAI TAP
a. crisis
b. expertise c. leader
d. procedures
235. Airport and airline safety managers are usually aware of the advantages of having well prepared emergency procedures to minimise both the social and financial ……………of an accident should one ever occur. B/44/ BAI TAP
a. effects
b. decision c. fear
d. interest
236. One wrong decision, even a small one, of a business …………… could bethe cause of a serious business crisis. It is therefore not surprisingthat the fear stress of making mistakes is one of the most important stress factors for executives. B/44/ BAI TAP
a. leader
b. crisis c. action
d. expertise
237. One wrong decision, even a small one, of a business leader could bethe cause of a serious business…………….. It is therefore not surprising that the fear stress of making mistakes is one of the most important stress factors for executives. B/44/ BAI TAP
a. leader
b. crisis
c. action
d. expertise
238. One wrong decision, even a small one, of a business leader could be the cause of a serious business crisis. It is therefore not surprising that the …………….stress of making mistakes is one of the most important stress factors for executives. B/44/ BAI TAP
a. fear
b. interest c. range
d. crisis
239. One wrong decision, even a small one, of a business leader could be the cau se of a serious business crisis. It is therefore not surprising that the fear stress of making mistakes is one of the most important …………….factors for executives. B/44/ BAI TAP
a. action b. stress c. leader d. range
240. It is in the ………… of every company to deal with stress as effectively as possible. In companies where stress is ignored, there tends to be a relatively high percentage of employees being ‘off sick’. B/44/ BAI TAP
a. fear
b. interest
c. percentage d. range
241. It is in the interest of every company to deal with stress as effectively as possible.
In companies where stress is ignored, there tends to be a relatively high
…………… of employees being ‘off sick’. B/44/ BAI TAP
a. fear
b. interest
c. percentage
d. range
242. In a crisis management team, each member must be a …………………. maker in their area expertise. They must also be abLe to cope with conflicting information, make meaningful recommendations and develop appropriate courses of action. B/44/ BAI TAP
a. expertise
b. action
c. decision
d. interest
243. In a crisis management team, each member must be a decision maker in their area expertise .They must also be abLe to cope with conflicting information, make meaningful recommendations and develop appropriate courses of
………………… B/44/ BAI TAP
a. expertise
b. action
c. decision d. interest
244. In a crisis management team, each member must be a decision maker in their area expertise They must also be abLe to cope with conflicting information, make meaningful recommendations and develop appropriate courses of
………………… B/44/ BAI TAP
a. expertise
b. action
c. decision d. interest
245. According to a recent survey, the majority of ………….. are not suitably
prepared to respond to a wide range of problems. B/44/ BAI TAP
a. action b. crisis c. leader
d. managers
246. According to a recent survey, the majority of managers are not suitably prepared to respond to a wide ………………… of problems. B/44/ BAI TAP
a. range b. action c. crisis d. leader
247. How quickly management react to a crisis is known as the ………………..
a. press confidence b. press release
c. speed of response
d. loss of confidence
248. In a breaking crisis, a manager may speak to the media at a(n) …………………..
249. Check the following word parnerships. Find the odd one out in each group :
performance F/102/LY THUYET
a. check b. assess c. look
250. Check the following word parnerships. Find the odd one out in each group :
a. make
b. achieve
c. establish
251. Check the following word parnerships. Find the odd one out in each group :
a. reach
b. do
c. implement
252. Check the following word parnerships. Find the odd one out in each group :
a. meet b. set
c. get
253. Check the following word parnerships. Find the odd one out in each group :
roles F/102/LY THUYET
a. establish b. assign
c. make
254. Check the following word parnerships. Find the odd one out in each group :
goals F/102/LY THUYET
a. reach
b. deliver
c. achieve
255. Check the following word parnerships. Find the odd one out in each group :
ideas F/102/LY THUYET
a. Come up with
b. make
c. present
256. Check the following word parnerships. Find the odd one out in each group :
a. archieve b. direct
c. guide
257. It was ...............of you to offer the contract to such a disreputable firm. C/48/BAI TAP
a. demotivating b. formal
c. thoughtless
d. energetic
258. Most of the staff interviewed said they expected a manager to be ................, in
other words, easy to speak to, ‘within reach’. C/48/BAI TAP
a. demotivating b. formal
c. accessible
d. decisive
259. Some people think she is rather ...................because she addresses everyone by their surname. C/48/BAI TAP
a. demotivating
b. formal
c. energetic d. decisive
260. What do you mean, ‘Maybe yes’? Sometimes I wish you were more .................. .
a. accessible b. formal
c. decisiver
d. energetic
261. If you took some exercise, you’d surely feel more........................ C/48/BAI TAP
a. demotivating b. formal
c. decisive
d. energetic
262. .................., research can held business leaders get a clearer picture of what it takes to lead effectively, in the same way as it has helped parents in recent years. D/49/BAITAP
a. Although
b. However
c. But
d. Despite
263. However, research can held business leaders get a clearer ...................of what it takes to lead effectively, in the same way as it has helped parents in recent years. D/49/BAITAP
a. picture
b. photo c. scene d. sketch
264. One may what extent such an analogy is helpful. In fact, research on parenting provides very contradictory results, and there seems to be a theory to suit every opinion. In the end, the majority of parents work things out for themselves through a process of trial and error. D/49/BAITAP
a. think
b. wonder c. criticise d. imagine
265. One may wonder to what extent such an analogy is helpful. In fact, research on parenting provides very ....................results, and there seems to be a theory to suit every opinion. In the end, the majority of parents work things out for themselves through a process of trial and error. D/49/BAITAP
a. antagonistic
b. contradictory
c. consistent d. anticipated
266. One may wonder to what extent such an analogy is helpful. In fact, research on
parenting provides very contradictory results, and there seems to be a theory to
..................every opinion. In the end, the majority of parents work things out for themselves through a process of trial and error . D/49/BAITAP
a. adapt b. adopt c. suit
d. change
267. One may wonder to what extent such an analogy is helpful. In fact, research on parenting provides very contradictory results, and there seems to be a theory to suit every opinion. In the end, the majority of parents work things out for themselves through a process of trial and.................... D/49/BAITAP
a. mistake
b. fault c. error d. failure
268. is talking about parenting or leadership, the trick is of course to
know which style to adopt when, and unfortunately research is not very useful in this respect. So it seems that for both parents and leaders, it is back to trial and error gut and instinct.
a. Whether
b. As c. If
d. Since
269. Whether one is talking about parenting or Leadership, the trick is of course to know which style to adopt when, and unfortunately research is not very usefuL in this respect. So it seems that for both parents and leaders, it is back to trial and error and...................... instinct. D/49/BAITAP
a. gut
b. human
c. stomach d. heart
270. Money risked or invested in a company two or more companies joining to form a larger company. A/108/LY THUYET
a. merger
b. takeover/ acquisition c. bid
d. stake
271. Two or more companies joining to form a larger company. A/108/LY THUYET
a. merger
b. takeover/ acquisition
c. bid
d. stake
272. Offer money for shares in a company. A/108/LY THUYET
a. merger
b. takeover/ acquisition
c. bid
d. stake
273. When a company’s top executives buy the company they work for. A/108/LY
a. joint venture
b. MBO .management buyout.
c. merger
d. takeover/ acquisition
274. A business activity in which two or more companies have invested together.
a. joint venture
b. MBO .management buyout. c. merger
d. takeover/ acquisition
275. Getting control of a company by buying over 50% if its shares a. joint venture
b. MBO .management buyout. c. merger
d. takeover/ acquisition
276. Circle the noun which forms a word partnership with the verb : take B/108/LY THUYET
a. a stake
b. a bid
c. an acquisition
277. Circle the noun which forms a word partnership with the verb : make B/108/LY THUYET
a. a merger b. a stake
c. a bid
278. Circle the noun which forms a word partnership with the verb : lauch B/108/LY THUYET
a. A bid
b. An alliance .liên minh. c. A stake
279. Circle the noun which forms a word partnership with the verb : target B/108/LY THUYET
a. a company
b. a bid
c. a takeover
280. Circle the noun which forms a word partnership with the verb : set up B/108/LY THUYET
a. a share
b. a joint venture
c. a stake
281. Circle the noun which forms a word partnership with the verb : make B/108/LY THUYET
a. a merger
b. a joint venture
c. an acquisition
282. Banco Populare Italiana has finally received agreement from the Bank of Italy to lauch a ..............for Banca Antonveneta, in competition with ABN Amro of the Netherlands. ABN Amro’s offer is worth more than Banco Populare’s, but some analysts think that Banco Popolare may already control more than 50% of Antonveneta’s shares. C/109/LY THUYET
a. takeover bid
b. merger c. stake
d. joint venture
283. Japan yesterday confirmed the creation of the world’s biggest bank when shareholders approved the ................... of Misubishi Tokyo Financial Group and UFJ Holdings. The new bank will be headed by MTFG’s Nobuo Kuroyanagi, age
63. C/109/LY THUYET
a. takeover bid
b. merger
c. stake
d. joint venture
284. PC- Ware, the German IT services specialist, has increased its domestic competitor Senas from 50% to 100%. C/109/LY THUYET
a. takeover bid
b. merger
c. stake
d. joint venture
285. The Swiss bank, UBS, is in talks with Beijing Securities to set up a China-based
...................... . By working together on a number of projects, the two banks will be able to compete more effectively against western rivals such as Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch. C/109/LY THUYET
a. takeover bid
b. merger c. stake
d. joint venture
286. As companies seek to extend their reach, share risks, reduce costs or import knowledge, many of them decide to form strategic alliances. Considering that such alliances often fail, one may worder whether this is due in part to a poor understanding of the management ................required to make them work. A/52/BAITAP
a. capability b. science
c. export
d. skills
287. According to a recent report, alliance managers have to be impartial. They must be fiercely one company or brand. They must be able to tolerate different ways of doing things, and they also need to be willing to take risks and let things happen. A/52/BAITAP
a. committed b. determined c. indebted
d. capability
288. According to a recent report, alliance managers have to be impartial. They must be fiercely committed to one company or..................... They must be able to tolerate different ways of doing things, and they also need to be willing to take risks and let things happen. A/52/BAITAP
a. mark
b. brand c. name d. make
289. The report points out that the challenges alliances are different from mergers bacause they are temporary, involve shared ownership and have fewer formal structures and little hierachy. A/52/BAITAP
a. made
b. resulted
c. posed
d. caused
290. The report points out that the challenges posed by alliances are different from mergers bacause they are temporary, involve .................ownership and have fewer formal structures and little hierachy. A/52/BAITAP
a. divided b. joined c. shared d. split
291. Furthermore, many alliances are between past or present competitors, so it is crucial to build trust. Accessibility, face-to-face contact and personal example are needed, and there is not place for .........................agendas. A/52/BAITAP
a. concealed
b. invisible
c. hidden
d. disguised
292. It is also to know how to develop a ....................of employees, both specialists and managers, who are capable of working in various complex yet temporary alignments. This, according to the report, will become a key source of competitive advantage. A/52/BAITAP
a. batch
b. caucus c. party
d. cadre
293. It is also to know how to develop a cadre of employees, both specialists and managers, who are capable of working in various complex yet temporary alignments. This, according to the report, will become a key ....................of competitive advantage. A/52/BAITAP
a. source
b. line
c. spring d. way
294. It is also to know how to develop a cadre of employees, both specialists and managers, who are capable of working in various complex yet temporary alignments. This, according to the report, will become a key source of competitive................. A/52/BAITAP
a. advantage
b. gain c. force d. value
295. World business leader of future will be expected to adopt policies on issues that have recently become important internationally: human rights, labour and the environment.
As.........................human rights, the public will expect business leaders to support and respect the protection of internetional human rights within thier sphere of influence, and to make sure that their own corporations are not complicit in human rights abuses. .C1/A/56/BAITAP.
a. progress b. complicit c. regards d. relates
296. World business leader of future will be expected to adopt policies on issues that have recently become important internationally: human rights, labour and the environment.
As regards human rights, the public will expect business leaders to support and
respect the protection of internetional human rights thier ................ of influence, and to make sure that their own corporations are not complicit in human rights abuses. .C1/A/56/BAITAP.
a. circle b. round c. sphere d. radius
297. World business leader of future will be expected to adopt policies on issues that have recently become important internationally: human rights, labour and the environment.
As regards human rights, the public will expect business leaders to support and
respect the protection of internetional human rights thier sphere of influence, and
to make sure that their own corporations are not ................. in human rights abuses. .C1/A/56/BAITAP.
a. illicit
b. complicit
c. explixit d. implicit
298. World business leader of future will be expected to adopt policies on issues that have recently become important internationally: human rights, labour and the environment.
As regards human rights, the public will expect business leaders to support and
respect the protection of internetional human rights thier sphere of influence, and to make sure that their own corporations are not complicit in human rights................ .C1/A/56/BAITAP.
a. assaults
b. distortions
c. abuses
d. extortions
299. In the area of labour, they will have to the abolition of child labour and to the elimination of discrimination on respect of employment. Freedom of association, the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, and the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour are other areas where progress will need to be made. .C1/A/56/BAITAP.
a. commitment b. determination c. devotion
d. corcern
300. In the area of labour, they will have to show commitment to the abolition of child labour and to the ........................ of discrimination on respect of employment. Freedom of association, the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, and the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour are other areas where progress will need to be made. .C1/A/56/BAITAP.
a. cancellation b. elimination c. obliteration d. destruction
301. In the area of labour, they will have to show commitment to the abolition of child
labour and to the elimination of discrimination on respect of employmen t.
Freedom of association, the effective recognition of the right to
........................bargaining, and the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour are other areas where progress will need to be made.
a. trade
b. mutual c. union
d. collective
302. In the area of labour, they will have to show commitment to the abolition of child labour and to the elimination of discrimination on respect of employment. Freedom of association, the effective recognition of the right to bargaining, and the elimination of all forms of forced and labour are other areas where
...............will need to be made. .C1/A/56/BAITAP. a. move
b. steps
c. progress
d. advances
303. Finally, with respect to the environment, business leaders will need more than ever before to .....................initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility and to encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. .C1/A/56/BAITAP.
a. take in b. take on
c. undertake
d. overtake
304. Finally, with respect to the environment, business leaders will need more than ever before to undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility and to encourage the development and ....................of environmentally friendly technologies. .C1/A/56/BAITAP.
a. spreading b. utility
c. diffusion
d. popularity
305. The Ministry of Education is determined to have all schools equipped with
..................computers by 2010. B/56/BAITAP
a. state-of-the-art
b. thing of the past
c. up-to-the-minute d. way forward
306. The .................. for small companies in the electronics industry is for them to link up with a larger group to gain technologial and market expertise. B/56/BAITAP
a. way forward
b. ahead of its time c. behind the times d. old –fashioned
307. The new LCD panel developed by Sharp allows viewers to watch different
programmes from the same screen and will soon make the battle over the living room TV a ........................ B/56/BAITAP
a. thing of the past b. up-to-the-minute c. way forward
d. ahead of its time
308. As a result of protracted international sanctions, the country’s infrastructure is 20
years.............. . B/56/BAITAP
a. way forward
b. ahead of its time c. behind the times d. old –fashioned
309. Beaming ................. train arrival information to passengers’ Personal Digital
Assistants will be one way of enticing commuters out of their cars. B/56/BAITAP
a. thing of the past
b. up-to-the-minute
c. way forward
d. ahead of its time
310. Her political ideas may have seemed .............. to some, but her management styles was ahead of its time. B/56/BAITAP
a. way forward
b. ahead of its time c. behind the times d. old –fashioned
311. Her political ideas may have seemed old-fashioned to some, but her management
styles was................... B/56/BAITAP
a. way forward
b. ahead of its time c. behind the times d. old –fashioned
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